Monday, 8 August 2016



 orator: a public speaker
 chirped: spoke in a happy voice
 horror: an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust
 unpleasant: bad, not very good
 weird: strange, unknown
 interrupted: to stop in between the act
 culture: the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or
 glimpses: see or perceive briefly or partially
 awesome: extraordinary
 respond: do something as a reaction to someone or something
 thrilled: to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
 multiracial: made up of or relating to people of many races
 nervous: easily alarmed
 hectic: tiring
 adapting: to adjust to new surroundings
 accent: a distinctive way of pronouncing a language
 confident: feeling or showing certainty about something
 injured: harmed, damaged or impaired
 impressed: feeling or admiration and respect
 preoccupied: engross the mind
 opportunities: a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do
 discrimination: bias, differentiation
 ignorance: lack of knowledge or information
 thunderous: a loud noise
 applause: approval or praise expressed by clapping

Answers to textual questions:
1. a) you open your heart to understand the world around you.
b) they were going to have the ‘Orator of the year – 2013’ competition
c) they had never heard of Ubuntu

2. a) Apoorv wanted his classmates to know that Africa is much more
than just jungles and wildlife. It’s a wonderful culture with loving, caring
and open-minded people.

b) The people in Africa made Apoorv nervous because they were
robust and strong.
c) From his stay in Africa, Apoorv learnt more and more about Africans.
His experiences in South Africa gave him many opportunities to realize
that we are all children of this Mother Earth and we are equal. His stay
there gave him great confidence to socialize with all kinds of people
as he also began believing in Ubuntu like his African friends.

3. a) disheartening b) soccer field c) togetherness

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